The middle managers in the organizations are fundamental for the fulfillment of the objectives, the administration of the policies and the achievement of business results. Among its natural responsibilities, the following activities can be indicated: Keep members of the work team integrated, make decisions, resolve conflicts and develop their collaborators, each of which directly influences the results of the business.

At RHDO we know that it is very important for companies to have quality Media Managers. That they are capable of forming and leading work teams that generate high-performance organizations, highlighting the individual qualities of each member of their members.

The basic characteristics of Effective Middle Management are both the ability to motivate and be recognized by the work teams, as well as the knowledge and application of leadership concepts and techniques:

Profile of the leader who exercises his responsibility before the work teams:

  • It promotes the motivation of the groups on a personal level and will highlight the impact on their collaborators.
  • Is aware of the strategies for managing and resolving conflicts and applies them effectively.
  • Detects the training needs of the work teams and identifies the areas of opportunity of each of the members to help their professional development in order to improve overall results.
  • Defines the process for continuous improvement applicable to the organization.
  • Defines and implements the stages of the PDCA improvement cycle (Plan, Do, Verify and Act)
  • Identify the specific techniques so that the collaborators commit themselves and obtain the results in the organization.
  • Develops and executes clear objectives for decision making.


The training modules for Middle Management are designed to lead the participants to develop skills that allow them to implement work programs, and lead them to be able to sustain the organizational culture and develop the members of the same, all in a way measurable and observable.

The teaching-learning system is supported by experiential exercises taken from real experiences. Which prepare the participant to face similar problems to the daily ones, in a safe environment that leads him to reflection and improvement of his performance

Conceptual development sessions

In these sessions the situations that middle managers face every day are identified and they are trained in the use of the necessary tools to do it in an efficient and effective way.


According to the situations and needs faced by the Middle Managers, significant experiences are structured for their learning; in these the tools seen in the classroom are put into practice, which serve as simulators of problems where they apply what they have learned in such a way that they make their own learning.
Each module is designed for the participant to identify situations that currently affect their results and find application solutions in the field.
In this way we make sure that what is learned is truly applied on a day-to-day basis..